Databáze uměleckých výstav v českých zemích 1820 – 1950

List of organizers


Exhibiting artists
Cooperative Work
Czech Arts and Crafts Association
Electric Company of the City of Prague
Etické hnutí československého studentstva (Czechoslovak Student Ethical Movement)
Japanese Association at the Oriental Institute
Union of Fine Arts
Union of Creative Artists
Friends of the Arts Club in Brno
Old Prague Club
Fine Arts Association
Krasoumná jednota (Fine Arts Association)
Fine Arts Association in Bohemia
Society for the Appreciation of Czech Painting
Circle of Women Artist
L'Association française d'expansion et d'échanges artistiques
Liberec Industry Association
Mährischer Kunstverein Moravian Art Association
Mährischer Kunstverein
Moavian Art Association
Moravian Art Association
Mährisches Gewerbemuseum
City of Prague
City Museum of Industry

the Liberec Metznerbund Metznerbund Reichenberg
Moravian-Silesian Economic Society
National Gallery in Prague
City of Prague - Prague City Council
Picture Gallery of the Society of Patriotic Friends of Fine Arts
Museum of Resistance
Friends of the Arts of Japan
Revue Kvart
Russian Home
Directorate of the Prague Sample Trade Fairs
Artwork Salon (Salon Výtvarné dílo)
Hollar Association of Czech Print Artists
Association of South Bohemian Artists
Prague Artists’ Association
Fine Arts Group
The Fine Arts Group
Skupina výtvarných umělců v Brně (Fine Arts Group in Brno)
Slavonic Institute in Prague
Society for Economic and Cultural Relations with New Russia
Society for Economic and Cultural Relations with the USSR
Society of the Patriotic Friends of the Arts
Society of Patriotic Friends of Fine Arts
Pardubice and the Society of Czechoslovak Engineers and Architects
Association of German Architects and Engineers

St. Luke’s Association
Czechoslovak Student Union
Czechoslovak Arts and Crafts Association
SVU Mánes (Mánes Fine Arts Association)
Mánes Fine Arts Association
SVU Mánes (Mánes Fine Arts Association
Mánes Fine Arts Association (SVU Mánes)
Mánes Association
Topič Salon
Topič Salon, Prague
Umělecká beseda (Artistic Forum)
Artistic Forum
Fine Arts Section of the Sursum Art Association
Vesna kutnohorská Arts and Crafts Union
Museum of Decorative Arts
Museum of Decorative Art
Central Architects' Association of the Czech Republic
VOKS Moscow
Leopold Mazáč Publishing House
Visual Art Section of Umělecká beseda
Weinert's Art and Auction Hall
hrabě z Valdštejna-Vartenberka, Kristian Vincenz

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