Databáze uměleckých výstav v českých zemích 1820 – 1950

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Search results in the exhibition database for “individual” in the category Klíčové slovo.

1850 Výstava obrazů Viléma Kandlera ve Valdštejnském paláci
1852 Single-Painting Exhibition of Louis Gallait
1875 Josef Führich Exhibition in Liberec
1880 Josef Mánes Exhibition
1886 The First Exhibition of the Ruch Gallery
1886 Vasily V. Vereshchagin
1886 Exhibition of Karel Liebscher
1887 Jaroslav Věšín
1887 Retrospective Exhibition of Carl Spitzweg
1887 Retrospective of Hanuš Schwaiger
1892 Exhibition of the Landscape Painter Anton Chittussi
1896 Výstava cyklu obrazů Anny Costenoblové
1903 Eduard Veith
1903 Exhibition of Josef Mánes (8th exhibition of SVU Mánes)
1904 Eduard Kasparides
1904 Joža Uprka (11th exhibition of SVU Mánes)
1905 Edvard Munch
1905 Hans Temple
1906 Emil Pirchan

1906 Franz Felbinger
1908 Exhibition of Works by František Bílek
1909 Collection of Works by the Sculptor Emile A. Bourdelle
1910 Miloš Jiránek Retrospective
1911 Peter Brandl 1668–1735
1920 Anniversary Exhibitions of Josef Mánes
1920 Posthumous Exhibition of Bohumil Kubišta
1922 Pablo Picasso: Works from 1906–1921
1925 Exhibition of Paintings by Emil Filla (9th exhibition of the Fine Arts Group)
1926 Boris D. Grigoriev (107th Exhibition of the Mánes Fine Arts Association)
1926 Souborná výstava Jana Kotěry
1926 Exhibition of Kurt Schwitters
1928 Alphonse Mucha: The Slav Epic
1928 Palestina v obrazech
1930 Antonín Pelc
1931 Eugen Kahler – Life’s Work
1932 Ludwig Blum
1933 František Tkadlík
1934 Georg Kars

1934 Exhibition of Photomontages by Hannah Höch
1934 Marc Chagall Exhibition
1934 Výstava Martina Benky ve Výstavní síni Elánu
1934 Zdeněk Rykr, Away!
1935 Emil Filla – African and Oceanic Sculpture from the Collection of Joe Hloucha
1935 László Moholy-Nagy
1936 Zdeněk Pešánek
1937 Bedřich Feigl
1937 Retrospective of Georg Kars
1940 Exhibition of Jan Bauch
1945 Urban Vedute of Václav Hollar
1945 Toyen
1946 Josef Istler
1946 Josef Lada
1946 Drawings and Prints of František Kupka
1947 Monumentální Mikoláš Aleš
1950 Výstava životního díla sochaře Jana Štursy

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