1824 Exhibition of the Academy in Prague
1886 The First Exhibition of the Ruch Gallery
1886 Vasily V. Vereshchagin
1886 Exhibition of Karel Liebscher
1890 51st Annual Exhibition of Fine Arts Association
1898 The First Exhibition of SVU Mánes (Mánes Fine Arts Association)
1900 The Third Exhibition of SVU Mánes (Mánes Fine Arts Association)
1902 Exhibition of Auguste Rodin
1903 Exhibition of Josef Mánes (8th exhibition of SVU Mánes)
1905 Edvard Munch
1908 Exhibition of Works by František Bílek
1910 Les Indépendants
1913 The Third Exhibition of the Skupina výtvarných umělců (Fine Arts Group)
1921 First Exhibition of Kruh výtvarných umělkyň (Circle of Women Artists)
1927 Exhibition of North Bohemia
1932 Contemporary Architecture in the USSR
1932 Exhibition of the Association of West Bohemian Artists and the Association of South Bohemian Artists
1933 Slovakia Exhibition
1934 Georg Kars
1934 Exhibition of Moravian-Silesian Artists
1934 Zdeněk Rykr, Away!
1935 Emil Filla – African and Oceanic Sculpture from the Collection of Joe Hloucha
1935 Modern French Sculpture
1935 Exhibition of the Kvart Group
1936 Exhibition of Classical and Modern Japanese Paintings
1936 Zdeněk Pešánek
1937 Today’s Mánes
1937 Retrospective of Georg Kars
1937 Old Masters of Slovakia
1937 Sudeten German Exhibition
1937 Exhibition of Old and Modern Chinese Art
1938 Figures of Czech History
1940 Exhibition of Jan Bauch
1942 People’s Apartment
1946 Art of Republican Spain