Databáze uměleckých výstav v českých zemích 1820 – 1950

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Search results in the exhibition database for “painting” in the category Klíčové slovo.

1821 Exhibition of the Academy in Prague
1824 Exhibition of the Academy in Prague
1832 Exhibition of Artworks in Prague
1836 The First Exhibition of the Fine Arts Association
1838 První výstava Uměleckého spolku Františkova muzea
1839 Annual Exhibition of the Fine Arts Association in Bohemia
1840 Exhibition of the Society of Patriotic Friends of Fine Arts
1841 Exhibition of the Society of Patriotic Friends of the Arts
1842 Druhá výstava Uměleckého spolku Františkova muzea
1847 Annual Exhibition of the Fine Arts Association in Bohemia
1849 Permanent Exhibition of Jednota umělců výtvorných (Union of Creative Artists)
1850 Výstava obrazů Viléma Kandlera ve Valdštejnském paláci
1852 Single-Painting Exhibition of Louis Gallait
1867 Art Exhibition of the union Vesna kutnohorská
1871 Posthumous Exhibition of Sculptures by Václav Levý (Show of Umělecká beseda)
1875 Josef Führich Exhibition in Liberec
1875 Josef Führich at the Prague Annual Exhibition
1880 Josef Mánes Exhibition
1882 The first Art Exhibition of Mährischer Kunstverein (Moravian Art Association)
1885 Joint Exhibition of Brothers Karel and Adolf Liebscher in Prague
1886 The First Exhibition of the Ruch Gallery
1886 Vasily V. Vereshchagin
1886 Exhibition of Karel Liebscher
1887 Jaroslav Věšín
1887 Retrospective Exhibition of Carl Spitzweg
1887 Retrospective of Hanuš Schwaiger
1887 The Third Exhibition of Ruch Gallery
1890 51st Annual Exhibition of Fine Arts Association
1892 Exhibition of the Landscape Painter Anton Chittussi
1895 56th Annual Exhibition of Krasoumná jednota
1896 15th Exhibition of Mährischer Kunstverein (Moravian Art Association)
1896 Výstava cyklu obrazů Anny Costenoblové
1898 The First Exhibition of SVU Mánes (Mánes Fine Arts Association)
1900 The Third Exhibition of SVU Mánes (Mánes Fine Arts Association)
1902 Modern French Art
1903 Eduard Veith
1903 Exhibition of Josef Mánes (8th exhibition of SVU Mánes)
1904 Antonín Slavíček and others (14th exhibition of SVU Mánes)
1904 Eduard Kasparides
1904 Joža Uprka (11th exhibition of SVU Mánes)
1904 Art in Prague during the Rule of Rudolf II
1905 Edvard Munch
1905 Hans Temple
1906 The 67th Annual Exhibition of Fine Arts Association
1906 Emil Pirchan
1906 Franz Felbinger
1906 German-Czech Exhibition in Liberec (Reichenberg)
1907 French Impressionists
1907 The First Exhibition of Osma (The Eight)
1908 The Exhibition of Osma (The Eight)

1908 Anniversary Exhibition of Krasoumná jednota (Fine Arts Association)
1908 Exhibition of German Artists in Bohemia
1910 Deutschböhmischer Künstlerbund
1910 Les Indépendants
1910 The First Exhibition of the Sursum Art Association
1910 Miloš Jiránek Retrospective
1911 Peter Brandl 1668–1735
1911 Vereinigung deutschmährischer bildender Künstler (The Union of German-Moravian Artists)
1911 Exhibition of Czech Women Painters
1911 The 35th Members Exhibition of the Mánes Association
1912 The Second Exhibition of the Sursum Art Association
1912 The Second Exhibition of the Skupina výtvarných umělců (Fine Arts Group)
1912 The First Exhibition of the Skupina výtvarných umělců (Fine Arts Group)
1912 Rudolf II.: Umění na jeho dvoře 1612–1912
1913 The Third Exhibition of the Skupina výtvarných umělců (Fine Arts Group)
1914 The Fourth Exhibition of the Skupina výtvarných umělců (Fine Arts Group)
1914 Deutschböhmischer Künstlerbund
1914 Modern Art
1918 And Yet! An Exhibition of Tvrdošíjní (The Obstinate)
1919 Our Resistance
1919 Images from the Battlefields of France
1920 Anniversary Exhibitions of Josef Mánes
1920 Metznerbund 1920
1920 Posthumous Exhibition of Bohumil Kubišta
1920 Exhibition of Battlefield Images
1921 First Exhibition of Kruh výtvarných umělkyň (Circle of Women Artists)
1921 Ruští legionáři – výtvarníci
1921 Sudetendeutsche Künstler [Sudeten German Artists]
1921 Tvrdošíjní a hosté
1922 Pablo Picasso: Works from 1906–1921
1922 První jarní výstava
1922 První výstava Oktobergruppe
1922 Exhibition of the “Pilgrims” Group and Artists from the German Reich
1923 Bazar moderního umění
1925 The First Exhibition of the Association of South Bohemian Artists
1925 Old Masters from Moravian Private Collections
1925 Exhibition of Paintings by Emil Filla (9th exhibition of the Fine Arts Group)
1926 Boris D. Grigoriev (107th Exhibition of the Mánes Fine Arts Association)
1926 Souborná výstava Jana Kotěry
1926 Exhibition of The “Scholle” Association of German Artists in Moravia and Silesia
1927 Výstava skupiny Metznerbundu Oktobergruppe
1928 Alphonse Mucha: The Slav Epic
1928 Ausstellung für sudetendeutsche Kunst [Exhibition of Sudeten German Art]
1928 Palestina v obrazech
1928 The Junge Kunst Group
1928 Výstava nových obrazů Štyrského a Toyen
1928 Výstava soudobé kultury v Československu
1929 Japanese and Chinese Contemporary Art (51st Exhibition of the Union of Fine Arts)
1929 Exhibition of the Prager Secession
1930 International Art Exhibition in Karlovy Vary 1930

1930 Paintings and Sculptures from Brno Private Collections (1850–1930)
1930 Hundred Years of Czech Art 1830–1930
1930 Exhibition of Jewish Artists of the 19th and 20th Centuries
1931 Eugen Kahler – Life’s Work
1931 Umění současné Francie
1931 Art of Tibet, Mongolia and Contemporary China (161st Exhibition of the Mánes Association)
1931 Exhibition of Modern Prague Artists
1932 Emil Filla’s Golden Jubilee Exhibition
1932 Ludwig Blum
1932 Výstava Sdružení západočeských výtvarných umělců a Sdružení jihočeských výtvarníků
1933 František Tkadlík
1933 Portrait from the 16th to the Mid-19th Century
1933 Výstava Slovenska
1934 Georg Kars
1934 Portrait 1850–1930
1934 Marc Chagall Exhibition
1934 Výstava Martina Benky ve Výstavní síni Elánu
1934 Exhibition of Moravian-Silesian Artists
1934 Zdeněk Rykr, Away!
1935 Emil Filla – African and Oceanic Sculpture from the Collection of Joe Hloucha
1935 László Moholy-Nagy
1935 Retrospective Exhibition of Russian Painting in the 18th – 20th Centuries
1935 Exhibition of the Kvart Group
1936 Sudeten German Woman in Art
1936 Exhibition of Classical and Modern Japanese Paintings
1937 Bedřich Feigl
1937 Today’s Mánes
1937 Němečtí expresionisté
1937 Retrospective of Georg Kars
1937 Staré umění na Slovensku
1937 Sudeten German Exhibition
1937 Exhibition of Old and Modern Chinese Art
1938 Czech Tradition in the 19th Century
1938 Figures of Czech History
1938 Pražské baroko 1600–1800
1940 Exhibition of Jan Bauch
1941 Confrontation
1943 Výstava obrazů, plastik a fotografií
1945 Confrontations II
1945 Toyen
1946 Josef Istler
1946 Josef Lada
1946 Art of Republican Spain
1947 Monumentální Mikoláš Aleš
1947 Paintings by National Artists of the USSR
1948 Czech Classics of the 19th Century
1949 The Czechoslovak People and Their Homeland in Life, Work, and Struggle
1950 Výstava životního díla sochaře Jana Štursy

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